2020 South Central Directory
"reasonable, measurable progress" in their rehabilitation, or continue to need "skilled nursing" care to contin- ue on Medicare benefits. Once a per- son reaches their "maximal poten- tial", Medicare benefits end. This can happen anytime after the first 20 days. • Medicare Part A provides no cover- age beyond 100 days Is Home Health Care covered under Medicare? Yes, Medicare pays 100% for all covered and medically necessary home health services under Part A (or Part B if beneficiary does not have Part A) as long as the beneficiary continues to meet the coverage requirements. Medicare will pay for an unlimited number of visits during an unlimited period, as long as it is med- ically necessary and coverage require- ments are met. It is the intent of home health visits under Part A to deliver skilled medical attention to home- bound patients. Home health care is not available for chronic illness or to help with Activities of Daily Living (ADL's). Requirements include: • Home Health Care Agency must be Medicare certified. • Patient must be under a doctor's care and the doctor must authorize med- ical treatment. • Patient must be in need of skilled care . Hospice care is a service provided to termi- nally ill persons with a life expectancy of six months or less. Medicare defines a hospice as a public agency or a private organization whose primary role is to provide pain relief and symptom management to terminally ill patients. This benefit does not generally cover inpatient room or board charges. Medicare requirements include: • Doctor certification that patient is ter- minally ill and has a life expectancy of less that 6 months • A Medicare-certified hospice pro- gram must provide care Medicare pays 100% of most covered ser- vices. Medicare pays for up to two 90-day periods, one 30-day period, and a fourth unlimited extension period. The beneficiary pays a small co-insurance fee only for outpa- tient drugs and inpatient respite care. For more information on Medicare, please visit www.medicare.gov. Article submitted by Barbara Horstmeyer, Benefit Specialist, Senior Planning Group. 1-866-670-0888
O vERvIEW OF ThE M EDICARE P ROGRAM become entitled to Social Security retirement benefits. They do not have to pay a monthly payment called a premi- um for Part A because they or a spouse paid Medicare taxes while they were working. Some seniors, such as those who have not completed the mandatory number of working quarters for Social Security benefits, enroll on a voluntary, premium-paying basis. Medicare Part A begins when someone enters a hospital. Medicare Part A has hospital deductibles. • First 60 days, Medicare pays all but $1,408 • Days 61 to 90, Medicare pays all but $352/day • Days 91 to 150, Medicare pays all but $704/day • Beyond 150 days, Medicare pays nothing Remember, Medicare is a health insur- ance program aimed at covering acute health care costs such as hospitalization (Part A) and periodic doctor visits (Part B). It does not cover most nursing home fees, nor does it offer extensive home health care for the chronic ills often experiences with age. What does Medicare cover for nursing home care? Very little! Medicare Part A helps pay for inpatient skilled nursing care in a Medicare participating skilled nursing facility (SNF) or rehabilitation service facility following a 3 day hospi- tal stay if a person's condition requires skilled nursing services or rehabilitation services such as Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Speech Pathology (SP). Doesn't everyone get 100 days cover- age in a SNF? No. Medicare will pay up to 100 days. • Days 1-20, Medicare Part A pays 100% • Days 21 - 100, Medicare pays all but the daily co-insurance amount that is the patient's responsibility. The 2020 coinsurance amount is $176.00 per day. After the first 20 days, a person must be making
edicare is a National Health Insurance Program administered by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). Benefits are for: People 65 years of and older. Some people with disabilities under age 65. People with End Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dial- ysis or a transplant) Medicare has Two Parts: Part A (Hospital Insurance) Part B (Medical Insurance) Medicare Part B covers physician ser- vices, outpatient hospital care, ambu- lance services, prosthetic devices, med- ical equipment, and supplies. You pay the Medicare Part B premium of $144.60 per month for single individuals with an income of $87,000 and a married couple with less than $174,000 (2020 rate). • Single with income greater than $87,000 and less than $109,000 or married with income greater than $174,000 and less than $218,000 - $202.40 monthly Part B Premium • Single with income greater than $109,000 and less than $136,000 or married with income greater than $218,000 and less than $272,000 - $289.20 monthly Part B Premium • Single with income greater than $136,000 and less than $163,000 or married with income greater than $272,000 and less than $326,000 - $376.00 monthly Part B Premium • Single with income greater than $163,000 and less than $500,000 or married with income over $326,000 and less than $750,000 - $462.70 monthly Part B Premium • Single with income greater than $500,000 or married with income greater than $750,000 - $491.60 monthly Part B Premium Part A (Hospital Insurance) Medicare Part A primarily provides cover- age for inpatient hospital care. It also provides hospice care. Limited coverage is provided for skilled nursing home and home health. No coverage is provided for assisted living. Most seniors become eligible for Part A coverage when they reach age 65 and
10 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2020-21
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