2020 South Central Directory
I C AN ’ T D O T hIS A NYMORE ! selves, know that their loved one is being taken care. 2. Adult day care – several programs are available that provides care in their facilities several days during the week. This allows the individ- ual an opportunity to leave the home and have interactions with other people. 3. Assisted living – 24-hour care and supervision. This option offers the individual social interac- tion, a safe environment with specialized staff, and nutritious meals. Looking for the right assisted living can be a tiresome and an emotion- ally draining task, how- ever when you have a guide of what to look for it will seem to all come together naturally.
hen you provide care for a loved one, you could be providing support 24/7 – based on the needs of the indi- vidual. If the person you are caring for has Alzheimer ’s dis- ease or another related demen- tia, you are probably ‘on guard’ constantly. It can be exhausting for you. It’s okay to admit you need help! Many of the families we work with feel a sense of vanquish because they just can’t provide the care for their loved one any longer. This isn’t failure, but a natural response and the realization that changes need to occur so both you and your loved one can receive proper attention and care. Admitting and accepting that help is needed is the first step to living a better quality of life for both the loved one and family caregiver. Now what? There are several options for an individual who has Alzheimer ’s disease or anoth- er related dementia. 1. home care – professional caregivers come into your home to provide assistance with personal cares and camaraderie. having a set schedule will allow the family to run errands, attend appointments, or just take time for them-
2.how friendly is the staff? Is the staff interacting appropriately with resi- dents? 3.What types of activities are available to keep residents engaged and stimulated? 4.Ask about the dining expe- rience. Are special diets accommodated? Ask to see a menu. 5.What safety and security features does the facility have? If a person has Alzheimer ’s or another dementia, are the doors locked for security? 6. Is care provided with dig- nity? how do the residents look and do they appear happy? 7. Is the facility licensed by the State? If so, what is their survey history? 8. If the facility claims to pro- vide ‘specialty’ care, what specifically do they do to distinguish themselves for this ‘specialty’? The Aging and Disability Resource Center is available as a source to gather informa- tion and receive guidance to determine which option is best for your situation. Article submitted by: Sue White Sienna Crest Assisted Living, Inc. Nationally Certified Alzheimer’s Educator
When Looking for Assisted Living, Consider the Following When visiting Facilities. 1. Is the home clean, in good repair and free of unpleasant odors?
28 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2020-21
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