2020 South Central Directory
W hAT I S h OSPICE ? Q UALITY OF L IFE AT ThE E ND OF L IFE of the most comprehensive Medicare benefit in healthcare today, covering services such as the in-home hospice team, medical equipment and pre- scriptions related to the ill- ness, as well as inpatient hos- pice care for acute and respite stays. who can make a referral to hospice? Anyone can refer someone for hospice—patients, physicians, family members, friends,
HaT is HospiCe? hospice is a unique type of care that provides comprehensive physical, emotional and spiritu- al support for people with life limiting illnesses, their families, friends and their caregivers. Expert pain and symptom man- agement, along with compas- sionate counseling, help patients to live each day to the fullest, in their homes or a home-like setting, including nursing homes, assisted-living, residential facilities or hospice inpatient units. hospice is deliv- ered through a team approach that includes the patient, their family and their personal physi- cian, along with hospice med- ical directors, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certi- fied nursing assistants, social workers, bereavement coun- selors, chaplains and volun- teers. who is eligible for hospice services? hospice is an option for peo- ple of all ages who are diag- nosed with a terminal illness, have a life expectancy of six months or less and a treatment goal based on comfort rather than a cure. Some of the most common terminal illnesses include heart, lung and kidney diseases; ALS; AIDS; Alzheimer’s disease; cancer and other life-limiting condi- tions. who pays for hospice ser- vices? hospice is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans. In fact, the hospice benefit is one
neighbors, coworkers … anyone . It’s as simple as making a phone call to find out about eli- gibility and to make a referral. hospice staff work with the patient, their family and person- al physician to help determine if hospice is the right choice and to provide more information about the benefits of hospice care. There are many different hospice providers in south cen- tral Wisconsin. When selecting a hospice for you or your family member, your choice should be based on reputation and quality standards. Submitted by Agrace Hospice and Palliative Care. Agrace is a nonprofit, community based hospice serving south central Wisconsin.
I just want to be at home ...
(800) 9 30-2 770 | agrace.org
88 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2020-21
F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website www.seniorresourcesonline.com
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