2021 Senior Resources Housing Directory
LASATA SENIOR LIVING CAMPUS Offering over 50 years of dedicated service to our community! We are located near h istoric downtownCedarbu rg onover 4 0 acres of peacefu l natu ral su rrou nding s. Individu als h ave th e ability toenjoy a fu lfilling and active lifestyle u sing ou r wide array of su pports and amenities. Ou r reh ab prog ram will g et you ontrack toretu rntoyou r ownh ome!
LASATA CARE CENTER (Reh ab/Skilled Nu rsing /Memory Care)
LASATA HEIGHTS APARTMENTS (Independent Apts for Seniors 6 2 + )
For more information or to take a virtual tour, please call or visit our website today! W7 6 N6 7 7 N. Wau watosa Rd, Cedarbu rg , WI. 5 3 0 1 2 262-377-5060
2021 S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S | 135
F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website www.seniorresourcesonline.com
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