FDL Guide 2019
a unique charm if you would like to shop or dine during your walk.
EAA AIRVENTURE MUSEUM 3000 Poberezny Road, Oshkosh 920-426-4800 EAA.org/Museum
The EAA Aviation Museum—where your imagination takes flight! With a collection of more than 200 historic airplanes along with world-class galleries and exhibits, the EAA Aviation Museum is a year-round destination. Spend time in one of five movie theaters. Witness a piece of history in the Eagle Hangar, a tribute to World War II aviation. And get “hands-on” in KidVenture Gallery, an exciting interactive gallery for kids of all ages! GALLOWAY HOUSE AND VILLAGE 336 Old Pioneer Road 920-922-1166 fdlhistory.com The centerpiece of the Historic Village District, the Galloway House and Village is a showpiece of gracious living with practical touches of the working farm that raised three generations. Thirty buildings each serve as mini museums, celebrating Wisconsin commerce and lifestyle of the 1800s. The Blakely Museum houses one of the finest collections of native artifacts and distinctive pieces through hundreds of years of life- changing local history. Guests can peruse the gift shop for books, treats, and souvenirs. Open Memorial Day–Labor Day Wed–Sat 11am–4pm, Sun 1–4pm.
rested in Greenbush and when life and business in the area bustled as the new town grew and prospered. Come and see our amazing Visitor Center and Wesley W. Jung Carriage Museum, which features the state’s largest collection of horse-drawn vehicles. Then take a horse-drawn ride back in time to learn how your relatives lived before indoor plumbing and electricity as you tour a stately 27-room stagecoach hotel. Center and Carriage Museum open year-round. A visit to the Wade House Historic Site is a fun-filled day for family and friends to walk in the footsteps of their ancestors in a gorgeous outdoor setting amidst the Kettle Moraine.
medals, and books can be purchased. Free literature and scapulars are also available. Group and bus tours are welcome. Please contact the shrine to make arrangements. Admission is free.
QUEEN OF THE HOLY ROSARY MEDIATRIX OF PEACE SHRINE W5703 Shrine Road, Necedah 608-565-2617 queenoftheholyrosaryshrine.com
WADE HOUSE HISTORIC SITE W7965 Highway 23, Greenbush 18 miles E of Fond du Lac on Highway 23 920-526-3271 wadehouse.org
The Blessed Mother appeared to Mary Ann Van Hoof on November 12, 1949, and for the following 34 years. There are 14 grottos situated on four acres. The Information Center is open from 10am–4pm daily. Guides will explain the apparitions and answer questions. Rosaries, crucifixes, statues,
Welcome to a horse-powered world! Visit the Wade House Historic Site to experience what it was like when travelers and horses
15 | fdl.com Horicon Marsh Education & Visitor Center. Photo courtesy of Todd Dacquisto.
Children’s Museum. Photo courtesy of Casey French.
Lakeside Park. Photo courtesy of Patrick Flood.
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