Senior Resources 2020 Southeast Directory


d Ay S ERvIcE P RoGRAMS – T hEy ’ RE n oT J uST FoR c hILdREn ! your situation. evaluating day Service programs State certified programs require- ments include the following: • Individual service plans for each participant • Standards for nutrition including well-balanced lunches and snacks • Stated participant rights ensuring all are treated with respect and dignity • Activity programming that considers participant’s inter- ests, lifestyle, ethnicity and abilities • Background checks on all care providers employed by the program Programs are surveyed mini- mally once every three years to retain their certification. This check and balance assures care- givers that the program provider is accountable for the services of its’ day services center. how to pay for day service programs unfortunately, Medicare and most insurances do not cover the cost of day service pro- grams. costs range on average from $45 to 75 per day, depending upon the length of the day and whether or not

ost people are familiar with the concept of child day care, but not many know that safe, quality adult day services is an option for caregivers as well. Programs providing half, full and extended hours of care for older adults are referred to as “adult day services” or “AdS”. The typi- cal participant in adult day ser- vices is over the age of 65, may have mid to advanced dementia or other physical limitation, and would benefit from the socializa- tion and care provided in an adult day services setting. Many adult day services centers seek State certification, which requires cer- tain criteria are met to provide an enriching experience for the par- ticipants, and peace of mind for the caregiver. first Steps Why is the caregiver considering adult day services? The primary reason to consider an AdS is for respite care. The care- giver may still be working full- time and is concerned about their loved-one being home alone dur- ing the day. There may be con- cerns about social isolation, prop- er nutrition, and tending to per- sonal care needs. Wandering may also be an issue. If the caregiver is home during the day, they may need a break from the 24 hour caregiver responsibility. AdS pro- grams provide time during the week to do things caregiver’s want and need to do – schedule appointments, grocery shop, socialize with friends, rest. Realizing it is time to seek outside help, and not allowing feelings of inadequacy or guilt to influence this decision, is the first step in determining if AdS is right for

Kenosha ............................9 Racine ..............................9 Walworth..........................9 County index (AdRc) is a smart step to learn about funding options for which you may qualify, both for trans- portation and day services. transportation is included. Some programs provide transportation and those that don’t will, in most cases, be happy to help you arrange transportation if needed. often times these ser- vices are subsidized through the county and are quite affordable. contacting your county’s aging department or Aging and disability Resource center Senior Resources, Inc. specializes in providing comprehensive information on service providers for older adults in the state ofWisconsin. If you are a consumer or would like to reach a consumer, we have many options available via our catalogs and the world wide web. Online: Email: Mail: P.O. Box 2 8 5 Germantown, WI 5 3 0 2 2

Tel: 2 6 2 -2 5 3 -0 9 0 1 Fax: 2 6 2 -2 5 3 -0 9 0 3

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