Senior Resources Housing 2017-18 Directory
F AMILY C ARE AND F AMILY C ARE P ARTNERSHIP vices can be added if they sup- port your personal goals. Partnership benefit from the same long-term care as Family Care, while also receiving all- inclusive health care from a network of physicians. Linking these services together makes Family Care Partnership both convenient and effective. Your Care Team is not only involved in helping you meet your long-term care needs, but your health care needs as well. That makes your Care Plan even more comprehensive. To be eligible for Family Care, you must: •Be at least 18 years old •Live in a county where Family Care is offered •Meet financial and func- tionality requirements •Be eligible for Medicaid To be eligible for Family Care Partnership, you must meet all of the Family Care require- ments listed above, plus: •If you are eligible for Medicare, you must enroll in, and remain enrolled in, Family Care Partnership Members of Family Care
amily Care and Family Care Partnership are two pro- grams that provide seniors and adults with disabilities with the long-term care supports they need to live independently. Family Care helps individuals like you live in your own home and in your community. Family Care Partnership does that too, while also providing and coordi- nating all-inclusive health care for members. Family Care Family Care provides long-term care supports to meet your spe- cific needs as determined by you and your Care Team. Once enrolled, you’re assigned a dedi- cated Care Team, including a registered nurse and care manag- er, who will work with you and your family to make sure you receive the care and support you need to reach your personal goals. The result is a Care Plan, personalized to you, that is reviewed regularly by you and your Care Team, and is adjusted as your needs change. Care Plans begin with Natural Supports. Natural Supports are the people who are a part of your life and provide help and support without pay. Natural Supports are the best way to reach your personal goals because they are relationships built on trust, kindness and car- ing – that results in better quality care for you. Once your Natural Supports are in place, other ser- Here’s a quick description of each program.
Enrollment into the Family Care program is conducted through
your county’s Aging and Disability Resource Center
(ADRC). For more information about eligibility or to enroll, call your local ADRC below: Milwaukee County ARC 414-289-6874 Milwaukee County DRC 414-289-6660 Ozaukee County ADRC 262-238-8120 Washington County ADRC 262-335-4497 Waukesha County ADRC 262-548-7848 Article provided by Community Care Inc. 866-992-6600
all parts of Medicare for which you are eligible (Part A, Part B, and/or Part D)
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